
Old-Fashioned Cake Doughnuts

MMMM! My niece was spending the night the other day and she really wanted to make these doughnuts because my sister had made them for her not that long ago. So, I checked out the recipe and it turns out I just happened to have pretty much everything I needed!

The recipe for the doughnuts is HERE and the recipe for the icing is HERE

The only thing I was missing to complete the doughnut recipe was the 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg, so I used a little of this pumpkin pie spice instead! I think it worked perfectly because the doughnuts were delicious!

Be prepared though...they are pretty messy to make and take awhile, but oh so good :D

1 comment:

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

Oh wow, those look DELICIOUS. I've always kind of been too afraid to try donuts, but this is inspiring!


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